Friday, September 4, 2009

Try 3 - Flash Fiction

The Good Son
by Kathleen Kimball-Baker

If walls could talk, Gibbs would certainly be sacked.

Not that he failed to execute his tasks with utmost discretion.

And he always tended to ailing Lord Mortimer’s needs with tact and haste.

But on certain evenings, when everyone had retired,

Gibbs polished knives, forks, and spoons -- 

silverware he traded to pay his mother’s debts.

Image by


To join the fun, write any story you like in 55 words (no more, no less).
Then tell Mr. Knowitall, aka G-Man by leaving a a comment
on his own Flash-55 post.


Hootin Anni said...

Good one!!!!

My 55 is posted here [as always, scroll down below my Friday's show n tell.] And, have a great weekend!!

Dr.John said...

Wow! A real story in a flash 55. I just loved it

My 55 is posted

Mona said...

He was only paying her debt , and I am sure that the Lord could afford many more !

g-man said...

What a marvelously written 55.
You should be a professional writer or an editor, or something!
Keep up the good work, and have a Wonderful Week-End...G

Jinksy said...

What a story this brought to mind. I've just been reading this blog, going backwards, as you might say, and I'm so impressed with all your little tales, each a nugget of gold waiting for the reader.