Wednesday, September 23, 2015


[Mag 286]

 Pose me as you did
            the night we stole inside
the swelling moon,
            the night my hair came loose and we
            polished off a bottle,              
dark and full.

How we fooled that dim morning
leaving damp traces
            for all the world to see
                        and not a soul to know.

- K a t h l e e n  K i m b a l l - B a k e r,  2 0 1 5

Inspired by Tess Kinkaid's Magpie Tales, a blog dedicated to the enjoyment of poets and writers, for the purpose of honing their craft, sharing it with like-minded bloggers, and keeping their muses alive and well.


Berowne said...

Sharp, intriguing, very well written.

Tess Kincaid said...

This is beautiful! I'm so glad you're writing poetry...and playing at Magpie!

Unknown said...

Awesome, and yes, we were thinking the same thing. ;-) Nicely done.

Kathleen said...

Thank you, Berowne. Intrigue is good, yes?

Kathleen said...

Thank you, Tess.
The muse is sticking around, thanks to your kind encouragement!

Kathleen said...

Ha, Elena! I just knew it. And thank you.

Sandra said...


Kathleen said...

Think you, Sandra! For your comment and for visiting!

De Jackson said...

HEAVENS. This is just gorgeous. Oh, that first stanza. And those last lines. Sharp, and beautiful.