By Kathleen Kimball-Baker
“Howard! Wake up!”
“Huh? Whaaa?”
“You were howling, for God’s sakes!”
“You mean like a dog?”
“More like a wolf!”
“Daphne, did you forget to take your sleeping pills?”
“Howard, I’m telling you, you howled. Like aaaawoooooooooo.”
“Woman, you’re the one who’s howling.”
“Howard! Your nose! Your teeth! What’s happening to you?”
“I . . . don’t . . . knooooooooooooooooooow . . .”
To join the fun, write any story you like in 55 words (no more, no less).
Then tell Mr. Knowitall, aka G-Man by leaving a a comment
To join the fun, write any story you like in 55 words (no more, no less).
Then tell Mr. Knowitall, aka G-Man by leaving a a comment
on his own Flash-55 post.