Friday, November 20, 2009

Flash Fiction Friday - Where ever that might be

Going Home
by Kathleen Kimball-Baker

 She waited on the bench, noticed a house key to her right.
Bummer, she thought. She’d lost hers before, too.
Her bus arrived and she boarded.

Three blocks south, an old man limped.
I can never go back.

A young couple peered into the grimy window.
“I can see us growing old here,” she smiled.

Image by jimccoy


To join the fun, write any story you like in 55 words (no more, no less).

Then tell Mr. Knowitall, aka G-Man by leaving a a comment

on his own Flash-55 post.


Anonymous said...

I always love coming here on Friday's. Another thought provoking submission Kathleen. "Home" has been an interesting topic for me as of late...not quite sure where or what it means today.

Mine is up:

Friday Flash 55 ~ The Boy on The Metro

Brian Miller said...

the transitions of this one are fabulous...finding home...great 55 my friend!

mine is up!

Mona said...

awwww! that is so touching. To be able to see your future in someone is really complementary!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the 55 - I keep putting mine on Mr Knowitall's blog under his comments. Loved the touch with the house key.

Unknown said...

Just read last week's "Best of Intentions" too. Brilliant!

G-Man said...

Kathleen...this was quite intriguing!
Excellent 55 My Dear..
Thank You so much for this little gem...Galen

G-Man said...

OOps sorry....
Have a Wonderful Week-End...:-)

Monkey Man said...

Beginnings. Very nice. My 55 is HERE.

Maude Lynn said...

This creates so many pictures! Great 55!

Kathleen said...

@Chef Kar: Thank you for your kind words. The ole imagination has been running dry lately. But apparently "home" as a topic is speaking to me, too.

BTW: I thoroughly enjoyed yours. Also though-provoking, and heart-rending.

Kathleen said...

@Brian: Thank you, Obi-wan! Such strange little pieces find there way to this blog, so I appreciate the encouragement!

Kathleen said...

@Mona: Wow! What an interesting observation. It helps me make sense of these when others see things I didn't. Much appreciated!

Kathleen said...

@kerrycharacters: Thank you! I'll track yours down. The little key I saw when I looked down at bench as I waited for the bus this week sent my imagination flying!

Kathleen said...

@kerrycharacters: Hey, thanks for the note on Best of Intentions. Much appreciated!

Kathleen said...

@G-Man: How will I ever be able to start a weekend without a comment such as this from you! Thanks for this delightful meme!

Kathleen said...

@Monkey Man: Yes, I can see that now. Thank you!

Kathleen said...

@Mama Zen: Thank you! Love the idea of the words creating pictures, especially when pictures get so much credit for being worth a 1000 words!