Sunday, October 11, 2015

My forays into creative writing can now be found on my WordPress site of the same name: In Linden Hills 

I've edited a number of poems prompted by Magpie Tales, for the better I hope. I hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Distance

 Jacek Yerka, 2011
[Mag 288]

The Distance

When she slips her wakeful thoughts
and they fall to the floor –
I set her adrift to float the night

She is unaware
I am the keeper of longings.
Nightly, I place them under her head,
furtive and hopeful

To the east, sun pools on a table
where he opens his morning papers and makes
   them smooth. His palms press a cup of tea, and steam
       travels along his chest, his neck, his chin, his mouth.

Eyes downward, he places on the vast water between
them a simple dream: Here she is awake, with him,
and he wanders tender slopes and sudden valleys
         that invite him to stay.

I will moor these imaginings
   on her pillow when it has once again cooled.

- K a t h l e e n  K i m b a l l - B a k e r,  2 0 1 5

Inspired by Tess Kinkaid's Magpie Tales, a blog dedicated to the enjoyment of poets and writers, for the purpose of honing their craft, sharing it with like-minded bloggers, and keeping their muses alive and well.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Relationship status

Gerritt Photography
[Mag 287]

"It's complicated."


- K a t h l e e n  K i m b a l l - B a k e r,  2 0 1 5

Inspired by Tess Kinkaid's Magpie Tales, a blog dedicated to the enjoyment of poets and writers, for the purpose of honing their craft, sharing it with like-minded bloggers, and keeping their muses alive and well.